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Writing a New Story

Our story begins in May 2020.

The hospitality industry has always been characterized by having great human beings, with noble characteristics, kind, warm and passionate about service.

Like many people who want to improve themselves, I combined work and school to get ahead. I started like many young people, with temporary jobs such as cleaning staff, bellboys, waiter, kitchen assistant, jobs that allowed me to study and be in the job field I wanted. Along this path, I entered a large hotel chain that opened the doors to professional development, working as a valet parking lot, I grew through various positions, from supervision to management.

Throughout this journey I have met incredible people, formidable independent people, parents, entrepreneurs, heroes without capes. I have been fortunate to make many friends over the years.

That is why my heart was shattered, when the terrible pandemic arrived ... Tourism companies were among the first to close, hotels, restaurants, etc. Many of my friends were fired, some in accordance with the law and others without so much luck. Witness how hotels in which I worked closed, entrepreneurs did not have many alternatives either, the vast majority made incredible efforts not to close, but in the end many also succumbed.

This hotel apocalypse filled me with sadness, my heart could not bear to see so many colleagues, friends and brothers in the industry unemployed, with their nerves on edge to be the support of their families and with an uncertain future.

At that time I had been one of the lucky few to prevail with employment, internally in the company there were also cuts, and God had blessed me to keep my job, it is at that moment that, in the face of adversity, I understand that I had two options: Save everything what was possible for me when it was my turn to lose my job or create job sources that would allow a second wind for someone else.

Thus, full of hope and enthusiasm to help, and of course full of fear, that I made the decision to start and open the company Aurora Hotels & Homes. The company began providing independent cleaning, maintenance, training services in all areas: from laying beds, cleaning processes, maintenance to revenue management consultancies, budgets and business strategies.

On the one hand I had many experts in the industry without jobs and on the other businessmen who trusted my work and me, who fought not to close; I combined affordable prices with high quality work and it is so against all odds and incredibly in this pandemic, a tourism company is born.

During the first year we were able to give a lot of temporary work to many colleagues, and little by little the company took its first steps to permanently hire two people, maybe two jobs was a grain of sand, but I was very happy because that Granite was the source of income for two more families, -a ray of light-, and that is how we were coping with the pandemic.

Thanks to the clients who trusted and continue to trust us, thanks also to the great performance of the entire work team that added their efforts to us, in 2021 our staff has increased, expert and dedicated people, who today we say with hope: that the The first year of our hospitality company's life has been in the middle of a pandemic and that only reflects a promising path ...

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